Thursday, April 16, 2009

Feeling Blah!

I named this blog, The Adventures of Rosyblue, but my life has been lacking material. Not to say, I haven't been having fun, it's just lacking something. I'm just feeling blah!

I'm forgetting birthdays, events, and sometimes conversations. It's like my mental me is taking a break, forgot to tell me and let me go on with life. I guess I had to discovered it myself. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. My outlet used to be complaining all the time to friends and family, poor people or as my jersey friend says, "poor bastards." Oh, the other outlet was eating. Yes, I have issues with food (but that's another blog post).

Solution to conquer the blahs? I'm working on it. I'm trying to eat one raw food meal a day. I'm already feeling difference. I'm trying to do more meditating. I do feel a bit more relaxed. I'm trying to just dance to feel better. It's helping. Well, I'm always dancing, guess it's been my saving grace. I'm logging all the little changes I'm doing and will write about it soon. I'm just excited to be working on The Adventures of Rosyblue. I love saying that, I know it's silly, but it makes me laugh. Afterall, "thou shall not whine", but live.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's been awhile since I have updated my blog. My goal is to do better in the month of April!

Craig Sutton, a cool Twitter friend, asked me if he could interview me. At first, I thought to myself, I'm not interesting and who would read it? But, after speaking with some friends agreed to the interview. And let me tell you it was a lot of fun.
So now, I decided to share it, here is the link:

I would like to Thank, Craig Sutton, for giving me this cool opportunity to express myself.

And remember "always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else. " by Judy Garland.